Avis, 21, started attending InnOVations, Orchard Village’s non-traditional and employment preparation focused day program for adults with developmental disabilities, in April of 2018. His goal? A job in the community! Nancy Palella, InnOVations Program Manager, says that they really tried to build on Avis’ willingness to help others in exploring work opportunities for him. Avis had no work experience, so his experience at the internships set up by InnOVations staff were invaluable. He worked on communication and social skills “on the job” and with interview skills with his job coaches at InnOVations. Avis also participated in Orchard Village’s Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) paid internship program, which provides training and experience for individuals interested in food production and customer service. This internship led Avis to decide to apply for jobs in the fast food industry.
Avis recently achieved his goal of obtaining employment–he started working at MOD Pizza. Avis is supported by his vocational coordinator Dan Vishny. InnOVations is proud of its newest employed participant. Nancy says, “I think Avis knowing that we believed in him also aided in his employment.”