People with disabilities share with everyone the goal to reside in a house or apartment they can call their own. Orchard Village helps the people it serves to realize this dream of joining in the social life of a real neighborhood. Orchard Village provides several forms of safe, personalized living arrangements, all of which deserve the name “home.”
Living means more than simply “residing.” Orchard Village staff actively works with residents to ensure they are involved in their environments, are connected to family and friends, choose and use available local neighborhood services (banks, gyms, or doctors) and assume meaningful roles in their communities.
24-Hour Supervised Group Homes/CILA (Community Integrated Living Arrangements)
Houses in Chicago’s beautiful north and northwestern suburbs are supervised 24 hours per day by trained staff who support residents’ everyday needs. Through customized Individual Service Plans, residents work toward achieving their goals. Services promote self-sufficiency and development in the areas of self-care, social skills, recreation, meal preparation, budgeting, and recreational interests.
Transitional Supported Living
One of our CILA homes is dedicated to individuals who demonstrate significant potential to move into a more independent living situation. To achieve this end, staff works to build and refine individuals’ independent living skills and social behaviors. The program teaches residents such skills as budgeting, cooking, and housekeeping while they work with a vocational specialist to secure or maintain employment.
Intermittent CILA Support
Individuals in the intermittent CILA program have the capability of living independently in an apartment or other housing in the community but still require some services to assist them with their community integration. Intermittent CILA provides supports and services, but on a significantly lessened basis. Staff provides daily, weekly, or monthly support in areas such as money management, healthy meal preparation, and medical case management.